BLOG TIPS Make a sitemap for bloggers

BLOG TIPS Make a sitemap for bloggers

BLOG TIPS Make a sitemap for bloggers - Hello nahkoda friends, late at night the admin is thinking about the sitemap guys because there are indeed many blogger friends who have just created a blog and don't know how or the steps to make a sitemap. For this reason, the admin decided to make this article so that all beginner blogger friends know the steps or methods. Alright, without going into detail, admin, peel off the Tips for Making a Sitemap for bloggers.
In this post, the admin will provide a tutorial or steps on how to make a site map for bloggers.

What are Sitemaps?

Site Map is a special web page that aims to display all URLs or Article Title Lines that we have created before. The URL or Article Title Line displayed will be neatly arranged based on the Article Label.

Sitemap function

Then what is the function of the site map? OK, the admin will review a little about the function of a site map for a blog or website.

1. Facilitate Visitor Navigation

Based on studies conducted in recent years, the level of visitor attention on a website is getting shorter. That means website or blog owners must be able to maximize the distribution of content so that it is easily accessible.
HTML sitemap is one solution to make it easier to find information. This is because all content will be displayed on one page so the title readability is very high.

2. To Monitor Website Architecture

Friends of Qwords can imagine a blueprint for a building being built by an architect. Well, an HTML sitemap is a blueprint that can be used to see the structure of your website content.
A good HTML sitemap, of course, is made by paying attention to the schematic arrangement of links that are sequential and easy to understand. So, if at any time there are problems in terms of architecture or taxonomy, it will be easier for you to identify them.

3. Clarify the Purpose of the Website

HTML sitemap is very important to maintain the relevance of the website. Especially for news websites, or personal websites that have a lot of article content.
Thanks to the HTML sitemap, the anchor text in each article will automatically increase and enrich the internal links between pages.
As we know, a strong and relevant internal link strategy will increase the strength of your site in search engines.

4. Speed up Search Engine Index

Are the articles on your blog still slowly indexed in search engine searches? You can help web crawlers index pages by presenting a special HTML sitemap page that already contains all the content.
Although not widely known, the type of link containing relevant anchor text such as an HTML sitemap is preferred by search engine robots, because it is more natural and can be understood by users who are looking for information.

5. Increase Website Visibility

Website visibility or visibility in search engines is very important if you want to get high traffic. So, adding an HTML sitemap can be one of the factors that can increase website visibility in search engines.

For example, if you have an article that has been crawled by a web crawler, the bot will also work to follow other links in the navigation menu.

So it's very important to create an HTML sitemap page that is linked in a menu section that is easily visible to both visitors and Google bots.
  1. To help search engine crawlers efficiently find and index all pages.
  2. Priority gives which pages are most important to index first.
  3. Help find index problems on our website or article pages.
  4. Increase the website visibility
  5. It's easy for a website to be indexed in search engines
  6. Improve our Blog/Website/Article SEO

What are the Steps to Make a Site Map?

Here are the steps to create a sitemap on Blogger:
  1. log in to the page
  2. Enter the Page Menu
  3. On the page menu, please create a New Page and give it the title Site Map
  4. Change the Writing View to HTML View
  5. On the page, enter the HTML script as shown below
  6. Pay attention to line 22 "", friends, please change the name of each website.
  7. The last step please friends Publish

Then How to Display a Site Map on Our Website / Blog?

  1. Following are the steps to display a site map on a website/blog:
  2. On the blogger page, please enter the Layout menu
  3. On the Layout Menu, please look for the Site Page Menu and make edits by pressing the pencil logo
  4.  A Configuration Page pop-up appears as shown below, please click Add New Item
  5. After clicking add, a new popup will appear as shown below, type the letter "S" and select the Site Map that we created earlier.
  6. After finishing selecting, don't forget to click save and also save it on the Layout page in the lower right corner as shown below.
Next, please check our website and see if the site map has appeared, if successful it will appear.
When you think you're done, don't forget to ask for Index on the webmaster/google console, what are the steps? Click here
those are the Steps or How to Make a Sitemap for Blogger / Website, please download the HTML script on the download link below.

How's it going bro, easy right? it's easy, the important thing is we want to study and read diligently, guys, understand step by step, nothing is impossible if we want to learn. Now that's a guide or steps for making a site map on blogger, I hope digital disc friends understand and can be useful for all of you, that's all, and thank you for visiting.