Deputy Minister of Finance Reveals Three Important Things in Managing the Ministry of Finance

Deputy Minister of Finance Reveals Three Important Things in Managing the Ministry of Finance - Jakarta, 23/02/2023 MoF - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara revealed that three important things must be considered in managing the Ministry of Finance, namely human resources (HR), organizational structure, and budget using information technology as the fundamentals.

"So we are a signal that the Ministry of Finance will take care of the organization, manage HR, manage the budget using information technology tools," said the Deputy Minister of Finance at the Coordination Meeting for Organizational Affairs, HR, ICT, and the 2023 Budget in the Mezzanine Hall, Ministry of Finance, Wednesday (22/2).

The Deputy Minister of Finance explained that the Ministry of Finance has been able to see several points that reflect and reflect in the field of HR, organizational structure, and budget. In the field of human resources, this can be seen from the transfer of employees between echelon I units. The hope is that this will enrich work experience to increase the cap to guarding the Ministry of Finance and protecting Indonesia.

"The shape of the Ministry of Finance I cannot think that we can manage the Ministry of Finance if it is only linear, in one echelon II unit, in one echelon I unit. As a bureaucracy, we manage the Ministry of Finance, meaning we are ready to be placed in all regions of the Republic of Indonesia," said the Deputy Minister of Finance.

Regarding the organizational structure, the Deputy Minister of Finance highlighted two things, namely functional simplification and business processes supported by information technology. The Deputy Minister of Finance assessed that there are many tasks that many tasks harvesters of Finance, such as analysts in each echelon I unit.

"I ask that one by one the steps towards consolidation of this functionalization appear more and more. Hopefully we can finish it soon," sa, id the Vice Minister of Finance.

Meanwhile, regarding business processes supported by information technology, the Deputy Minister of Finance gave an example of organizational transformation carried out by the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPb). The number of DJPb employees 15 years ago was 13,000 people. By utilizing information technology systems, currently there are around 7,000 DJPb, employees.

"Now with half the number of employees, we can take care of the IDR 3,000 trillion state budget. It's not a little more work, it's a lot of work. But it is done based on information tec based professional people, clear SOPs, and good governance," said the Deputy Minister of Finance.

Regarding the budget, the Deputy Minister of Finance emphasized that the budget will be increasingly identified which will become a joint service accompanied by a service level agreement. Apart from that, asset management throughout Indonesia is also a special concern of the leadership of the Ministry of Finance. This was asked to be the thought of all levels of the Ministry of Finance in the regions.

“Our office is indeed complex, but I have confidence that there are lots of efficiencies and improvements that we can do. We must intelligently optimize assets. Which are used as shared assets, which are used together, we build together, we use together. Which one must still be used by each echelon I unit this is one of the new Ministry of Finance One forms. This is a big homework for all of us while we still do everything with good governance," said the Deputy Minister of Finance. (dep/happy)

Ministry of Finance