Your Horoscope 2023 Is Here & It's The Year For Personal Strength

Your Horoscope 2023 Is Here & It's The Year For Personal Strength - 2023 is a year full of change and transformation. We will want and be willing to open our hearts and embrace our personal strengths. Though the world will present us with challenges, this is a time of scientific progress and evolution—and a year of advancing our liberty and freedom.

Here are some things that will have a big impact this year.


In astrology, the sun is a powerful force that represents our will, ego, personality and willpower. This year, the sun will connect with the wide planet Jupiter on April 11 in the sign of Aries, making it a time of joy, wonder and positive vibes. Since the sun and Aries sign are so self-focused, this is a moment to put yourself out there and bring abundance, wealth, and greatness.


The moon in astrology is the planet that determines our emotions. It is a part of us that we cannot put into words, because it represents the sentimentality and memories that we hold dear to our hearts.

The new moon in astrology marks the beginning of the lunar cycle. It is the prime time to make one's wishes come true and start projects. In 2023, we will have 12 opportunities to start over (twice in the sign of Aries).

The full moon in astrology is a time of culmination, ending and letting go. They fall at the end of the lunar cycle and illuminate our souls with knowledge. There will be 13 full moons in 2023, due to a blue moon (a rare occurrence when there are two Full Moons in a month) in Pisces which occurs on August 30th.


Eclipses are powerful lunar events that unravel our destiny in explosive ways. The first solar eclipse occurs on April 20 in Aries and the first lunar eclipse occurs on May 5 in Scorpio. These two will bring out our power struggles in relationships and push us to change our lives. The second eclipse occurs in the fall. The lunar eclipse in Taurus occurs on October 28 and the solar eclipse in Libra occurs on October 14. Once again, this eclipse is asking us to view our intimate and personal partnerships through a close-up lens in order to make the necessary changes.

Moon Nodes

The lunar destiny node always moves backwards. They slide from the Taurus-Scorpio axis to the Aries-Libra axis on July 17 and will remain in these signs until January 11, 2025. The lunar shift asks us to put ourselves first and embrace our personal freedom for the next 18 months. We will crave independence and power—meaning that we will be in complete control of our lives and do as we please.

Mercury Retrograde

In astrology, Mercury is the Planet of Communication. When moving forward, it shows how we express ourselves. However, when the dreaded setback occurs, misunderstandings, travel problems, technology crashes, and frustration can ensue.

2023 begins mid-retrograde, as Mercury (which begins its moonwalk on December 19) retrogrades in Capricorn through January 18. This brings us back to the Venus retrograde starting in 2022. What lessons have we learned about love and money? Are we using it to our advantage?

The first "official" Mercury retrograde of 2023 begins on April 21 in Taurus and ends on May 14. At this time, we will start implementing self-care and self-improvement into our lives, because we will be willing and willing to do so to improve ourselves at a healthy level.

The third Mercury retrograde in 2023 occurs from August 23 to September 15 in Virgo. This planetary moonwalk will make us more reflective about the past and encourage us to make amends with the people we need to heal.

The final Mercury retrograde of 2023 begins on December 13th and ends on January 1st in the signs of Capricorn and Sagittarius (Retrograde Mercury moves into Sagittarius on December 23rd). This retrograde movement will make us count our money and take small risks as we enter the new year.

Venus Movement

Venus represents romantic sentiments, social values and our relationship with money. In retrograde, it can make us lovesick or lovesick—but mostly urges us to make decisions about partnerships.

The conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Aries on March 2 taps into a lot of romantic energy. Take your crush, plan a fun date with your partner, or play the lottery. We can achieve whatever we put our heart into!

The Star Point Venus, which is the annual conjunction of the Sun and Venus of the same degree, occurs in Leo on August 13 during Venus retrograde, which lasts from July 22 to September 3. The Star Point of Venus in Leo asks us to go big on fashion, love, and spending even though our funds are low due to retrograde. Remember, you can create the clothes, worlds and relationships you want with only a limited budget.


Action planet Mars represents desire, desire and sexual urges. Mars passes through Gemini into Sagittarius throughout 2023, ending its retrograde journey that began this year on January 12. The bold and passionate energy of Mars asks us to fully embrace life and lean into our desires.

Jupiter Shift

Vast and fortunate planet Jupiter begins 2023 in Aries and moves into Taurus on May 16 and remains there until May 25, 2024. The retrograde cycle from September 4 to December 30 in Taurus, asks us to sharpen our spending and take calculated risks. in love and money. Basically, retrograde duration is not a time to play the stock market—and definitely not when Jupiter and Pluto meet on May 17. However, Jupiter's conjunction with the North Node of Destiny on June 1 is a great day for such an endeavor.

Saturn's Forward

On March 7, the harsh, restrictive and karmic planet Saturn will swim into Pisces and will remain there until February 13, 2026. May 21, 1993 to April 7, 1996 was the last time Saturn was in Pisces. So, everyone out there who is in their late 20s will be experiencing their karmic Saturn Return. When Saturn is in Pisces, fantasies can become reality, family bonds and relationships are cemented, as practical ideals flow through our minds. Saturn will retrograde in Pisces from June 17 to November 4 and will ask us to restructure our lives for the better.


Rebellious and revolutionary Uranus retrograde in Taurus lasts from August 28 to January 22, 2023. This will mark a time of internal growth. Uranus' "Great Awakening" will help us free our thinking from old methodologies to progressive ideas.


Dreamy, illusive and sentimental Neptune will retrograde in Pisces from June 30 to December 6. When Neptune goes into a backsplash, we are cosmically forced to face reality and escape the illusions we have created.